Steps 5-8
Last updated
Last updated
Blue Loctite (McMaster P/N 1004A12) is recommended on all bolts that thread into a tapped hole.
Press the 8mm ID bearings into the Cover Plate. These bearings are a light press fit and may be pressed in by hand or with an arbor press. The bearings should sit flush with the bottom side of the plate.
Install the bearings as shown below. The 8mm ID bearing should be pressed in from the top of the 74T Rotation Gear, it should be light press fit and may be pressed in by hand or with an arbor press.
Press the 74T Rotation Gear in by hand. If necessary, use a dead blow hammer to lightly tap it in. Try to keep it as straight as possible while inserting into the bearing to best ensure it can be fully installed.
The Bevel Gear Shaft must be installed through the bottom side of the 12mm bearing. Use the 3/8" snap ring to retain the gear and shaft.
It is recommended that if a snap ring is bent during installation, or during removal, that a new one be used to replace it. A bent snap ring will be much more likely to come off.
The 6mm ID x 12mm OD bearings can be pressed into the Wheel Fork (Bearing Pocket) by hand. Once the bearing is in place, use the #10-32 x 1- 1/2”L bolts to install both forks into the module.