Steps 5-8
Last updated
Last updated
Blue Loctite (McMaster P/N 1004A12) is recommended on all bolts that thread into a tapped hole.
Press the 66T Rotation Gear in by hand. If necessary, use a dead blow hammer to lightly tap it in.
The Bevel Gear Shaft must be installed through the bottom side of the 3/8” Rounded Hex bearing.
The Thrust Bushing will be temporarily shipped as a printed component.
The 1/4” ID x 1/2” OD bearing can be pressed into the Wheel Module Fork by hand. Only the Fork that aligns with the Wheel Module Drive Shaft needs a bearing. Once the bearing is in place, use the #10-32 x 1.5”L bolts to install both forks into the module.
Use the #4-40 x 7/8”L bolts to install the 3D Printed Rotation Pulley. The step at the bottom of the 3D printed Rotation Pulley should sit flat with the 66T Main Rotation Gear.
Do NOT overtighten the #4-40 bolts, as this will crush the 3d printed part.
The Kraken X60 motor is installed using #10-32 x 1/2”L bolts. The 775pro is mounted using the M4 x 12mm L bolts.
The Rotation Pinion should be pressed onto the motor prior to mounting.
If the Neo 550 is being used as a replacement for the 775pro, use the recommended M3 x 10mm L bolts.