Internal String

Blue Loctite (McMaster P/N 1004A12) is recommended on all bolts that thread into a tapped hole.

Mounting Pattern

This hole pattern is for the standard mounting style of the Non-Flipped GreyT Telescopes. The table below shows the dimensions that change between the different base tube sizes. Unless otherwise specified, all other dimensions are the same across all Non-Flipped GreyT Telescopes.

Mounting Example

The hole patterns for the individual nutstrips will line up with the scores on the VersaFrame Tube. The distance between the holes will be the same as indicated in the previous section labeled Mounting Pattern. Drill the holes using a #9 drill bit.

Bolt the Non-Flipped GreyT Telescope to the two tubes using four #10-32 x 1-1/2"L bolts.

The installation of the nutstrips is discussed in Step 3 of the Gearbox Assembly Instructions.

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