Belt Drive

The following details the assembly instructions for the Belt Drive configuration. This configuration provides the shooter with a 1:1 ratio from the Falcon 500 motor.

Blue Loctite (McMaster P/N 1004A12) is recommended on all bolts that thread into a tapped hole.

Step 1

Slide the components on to the Falcon Spline to 1/2” Hex Adapter in the order shown in the image below. Use the two 1/2” Snaprings to secure the Pulley and Spacers on the Falcon Spline to 1/2” Hex Adapter.

Step 2

Install the components in the order shown in the image below. They will be cocentric with the bearing hole marked in green in the image below. The 70T GT2 Belt must be installed during this step.

Constrain the 1/2” ThunderHex Shaft with two 1/2” Hex Clamping Collars. The Collars should be flat with the ThunderHex Bearing flanges.

The wheel guard standoffs were removed to help clarify the image below. They do not have to be removed in order to complete this step.

Step 3

Install the Falcon 500 using #10-32 x 3/8”L Bolts. The Solid Roller Wheels can be shifted to the other side of the Shooter to help with this step. When the motor is installed, slide the Solid Roller Wheels back to the center of the shooter. Use the 1/2” Hex Clamping Collars to constrain the wheels.

The wheel guard standoffs were removed to help clarify the image below. They do not have to be removed in order to complete this step.

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