Getting Started

Assembly Prep

Refer back to the Individual Components page to ensure that all necessary parts are located before starting assembly steps.

Tools Required For Assembly

These tools are required for the assembly of the GreyT Shooter (7").

  • SAE/Inch Allen Set

  • 3/8” Hex Wrench

  • Drill w/ Drill Bit Set

Blue Loctite (McMaster P/N 1004A12) is recommended on all bolts that thread into a tapped hole.

Key Assembly Instructions

The following pages cover the basic assembly instructions for the GreyT Shooter (7").

Shooter Side Plate Guide

The GreyT Shooter is designed to support multiple object sizes and multiple compression values for a certain diameter. The side plates have hole patterns for 5”, 6”, and 7” distances from a 4” wheel to the hood.

The GreyT Shooter also supports various motor and motor mounting options.

Hex Shaft Cut Lengths

The overall length for the hex shafts does not need to be precise. Cutting to length with a hacksaw is acceptable if that is the only available option. Cutting to length and then using a lathe to clean up both ends is the recommended method though.

When cutting the slit on the Falcon Direct Drive Shaft, the slit needs to be cut from one point of the hex to the point on the opposite side.

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