FAQ & Trouble Shooting
Common Questions
Q: Can the OMIO CNC Router cut aluminum?
A: Yes, with the right end mill and feeds and speeds the OMIO CNC Router is able to cut aluminum.
Q: Does the water pump need to be on all the time?
A: The water pump needs to be on whenever the spindle is running. If the pump is not on there is a chance that the spindle may be damaged. It is best practice to leave the pump on when the machine is being used.
Common Issues
Issue: Part is not coming out to the right dimensions. One direction is correct but the other is not, such as oblong holes that should be round.
Possible Solution:
This could be caused by the coupler for that axis slipping on the shaft. Tighten the screw that clamps onto the shaft and try again.
Issue: Mach3 does not control the machine.
Possible Solutions:
Check that the machine is powered on and all cables for the stepper motors are connected.
Restart Mach3
Check that USB able is pluggeed in at the computer and the controller
USB cable needs to be pluggee into a 2.0 port, not a 3.0 port
Last updated