Screen Sets

WCP has made a custom Mach3 screen set for operating the OMIO CNC Router. Simplified to just what you need.

Since the interface has been simplified, if there are any buttons or settings that need to be accessed, switch back to the original Mach3 interface to access these.

Contact for any bugs or issues that occur. If there is a feature that you think should be added to this interface contact us and we will look into it.

Installing WCP Screen Set

The WCP screen set will come preinstalled with the Mach3 download from the OMIO product page but will need to be loaded. The default screen will be the default Mach3 screen. If a copy of Mach3 is already installed and you would like to add the WCP screen set, then follow the directions below.

Download the WCP screen set files from the OMIO CNC Router product page.

Open the folder. Copy the “WCP Bitmap” folder into the “Bitmaps” folder in the Mach3 directory. Then copy the “WCP Interface” file into the Mach3 directory

Loading Screen Sets

The default screen will be the default Mach3 screen. Use these steps to load a custom Mach3 screen, such as the WCP screen set.

Click View -> Load Screens. Locate the “WCP Interface.set” file in the Mach3 directory and open it. The WCP screen set should be loaded now.

This same process can be used to load any screen set or for switching back to the default screen set.

Basic Layout

The “Main Screen” page contains all the basic functions that are needed to run programs on the OMIO CNC Router.

Setting Zero - Z (Auto)

Measure the thickness of the tool probe pad. Insert this number into the “Gage Height” input field under the “Probing” page. Also enter the “Search Depth” that the tool will be moving down in order to find the probe pad. Enter a value larger than the actual distance that the tool is above the pad. Enter a desired retract value or leave as default.

Position the probe pad on the surface that will be Z zero. Position the end mill such that the height from the end mill to the probe pad is less than the search depth. Connect all probe wires as described on the Setting Zero Page. Press the “Probe Z” button when everything is connected properly. The tool will move down and touch the probe pad once.

The tool will up and then back down to touch the probe pad again. The values are compared to verify the surface was accurately touched.

Last updated