Tube Plug Assembly

The Tube Plugs and Sleeves are designed to be a slip to light press fit into most tubing. When using the sleeve, the Plug and Sleeve may not slip directly in. In this case, use a dead blow hammer or soft mallet to tap the Plug and Sleeve into the tube.

Due to variations and quality in tubing from various suppliers the Tube Plugs may be a bit tighter than expected. If this is the case, a bit of extra force may be needed to install the plugs. The outside can also be sanded down or machined for a slip fit if desired.

We have found that screwing a #10-32 bolt into the large face of the Tube Plug helps during installation as this will prevent the Tube Plug from sliding into the tube. A small amount of super glue can be used to hold the Sleeve to the Tube Plug during install.

Two #10-32 x .375" L Bolts are recommended on each face when possible.

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